Missing You

There are a few ways this blog can go- We can all wait until it is perfect: the design, our ideas, the writing, the timing...waiting, waiting, waiting. And nothing will happen for weeks, then months and we'll slowly drift away and forget each other until next October.

Or we can jump right in and start sharing memories, hopes & dreams, ideas, and more. We can be funny or serious. We can get deep and philosophical or keep it light and amusing, but whatever we do, we must all write and write often. And when we do share posts, we all need to leave comments so we can build our relationships. Create a space. A Community. So that when UWCSEA returns to Daraja next year, we will be able to pick up where we left off at the end of our trip.  I will model. Here is my first post. I look forward to seeing the students and teachers from both Daraja and UWCSEA follow suit and write posts and comments of their own.

To start- I miss you. It is Monday night and I am at home after a long day of work. I am wearily looking through the photos and videos of our trip, but I am too tired to do anything with them. My mind is full of ideas, but my body is too tired to act. I know that soon life will become busy again and that I may not have another chance, but I am tired and weary and a bit sad, because I miss you.

Our time was short and I was not able to meet everyone, but the girls I did connect with left a lasting impression. The campus itself and the Kenyan lifestyle reminded me how much I love life in Kenya. I miss your hugs and the short chats during meals. I miss the stars, the heat and the daily waves and smiles. I miss the songs and the dancing the rice and the beans. I wish I could have sat with each of you and explored all your stories, but as it stands that was impossible.

I am thinking of you all sitting in study hall working late. I wish I could come and imprint all the right answers onto your brains, so that we could spend time drawing and singing and banging on drums. I wish I could sit next to you and remind you to relax. I am thinking of you all up early, before breakfast, cramming in a few more facts. In the heat of the day. I am thinking of you all.

I guess that is all. Is this a blog post? A poem? A letter? I am not sure, but I wanted something in this space. Something permanent. Some words to break the ice and open up this blog. I wanted to send an invite. I wanted to hear what everyone else thought about our visit. How everyone else is feeling. What/who do you miss? What are you thinking? What was your most memorable experience from the last week?

If you are a UWCSEA student who did not go on the trip, what do you want to know? You can leave comments below or write your own posts. You can ask questions or just start telling the girls at Daraja about yourself.

I'm excited to see where this goes! Good luck everyone. Remember these posts do not need to be perfect. Just get your ideas down so we can share and connect.


  1. Love the banner and this post. Sigh.

  2. This is so lovely. I too wish I could enter and imprint all the right answers! Grateful to know the girls and know you all.

  3. it will go really well since we as the Daraja students are now able to share our ideas


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